You can select the massage treatment that best fits your needs all for the same affordable rate. If you aren’t certain what type of massage you would enjoy most, Jane will meet with you prior to your massage to help determine the best customized therapeutic massage for you.
Years of research shows that massage therapy is no longer just for relaxation. The medicinal benefits offered by therapeutic massage can have a positive, lasting impact on your health and lifestyle. But if you haven’t had much experience with massage therapy, you might be wondering what to expect.
Massage therapy relaxes muscles and soft tissue, easing and soothing your aches and pains. It rejuvenates, restoring balance to our body and being, making us better for all the things life throws our way. The muscle relief of a therapeutic massage is the purpose of the massage. It may rid your body of life’s every day stresses, reduce the muscle pain, help alleviate the discomfort of certain ailments, or just help restore balance to your body and mind, leaving you feeling rejuvenated and helping you maintain a life of wellness and good health. Gentle massage has many benefits for those with arthritis. Massage therapy can provide pain relief, soothe stiff sore muscles, reduce inflammation and swelling. Massage and gentle stretching help maintain range of motion for your joints.
Known as Swedish massage, long, flowing strokes are used with light to moderate pressure that produces a deep level of relaxation.
Slow, compressive, lengthening procedures are used to decrease stress caused by chronically shortened muscles; returning balance to the body and allowing freer movement. This type of massage is typically used to rehabilitate injuries and the resulting pain and muscular soreness attributed to them and restore flexibility to muscles and joints.
The therapeutic art of cupping employees negative pressure for superior results in bodywork. Glass or plastic cups are used with suction and may be stationary or used with movement. This lifts and releases connective tissue bringing blood flow to stagnant muscles. The pulling action engages the parasympathetic nervous system by producing a profound level of healing. The effect can last for hours or days afterwards! This therapy has been documented for thousands of years and has reemerged as a remarkable healing therapy.
Fascia is a tough connective tissue that spreads throughout the body. Trauma, poor posture, or inflammation can bind fascia resulting in abnormal pressure on the body. Myofascial Release is gentle, sustained pressure applied to remove fascial restrictions from the body, restoring it to a balanced state.
Comforting, Warm, Therapeutic. Paraffin is a moist heat therapy used to relieve joint pain and stiffness. It is a wonderful modality for arthritis as the heat effectively increases circulation promoting renewed tissue. Skin is left moisturized and healthy looking.
Located within Pinnacle Physical Therapy
95 Plaistow Rd.
Plaistow, NH 03865